Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Impact: Day 2/3

The last couple days of camp have definitely been tiring but altogether it has been a pretty rad experience so far. Day 2 consisted of Jug n' Jog, Slip n' Slide, and the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe movie night. Day 3 was packed full of Creek time, Capture the Flag, and an extended chapel/worship time.

So Day 2's main claim to fame was the Movie Night. Mike has been getting in depth with the Lion, the Witch, and Wardrobe. His main point on Day 2 was that we need to read the books and watch the movies with childlike eyes. We need to visualize and picture the story as if we were children so as to fully become encompassed in the plot, conflict, characters, and the story as a whole. As soon as we begin to read or watch the Narnia series through adult eyes we see that the books don't seem to make sense or they don't fit properly with the rest of the series, in simple terms we try to rationalize books that have Centaurs in them. We get to serious or we dig to deep into the technicalities, rather C.S Lewis intended for the books to be read as a story just like a child, so that our imagination takes over rather then our intellectual criticisms. Those were some of Mike's points to help us, and prepare us to watch the movie that night.

Day 3 was also quite exciting. We had over 8 people get pied in the face yesterday which was quite hilarious to see. For Game On the kids got to go down to the creek and hangout as the day was gorgeous, hot, and glorious. The Mayhem block consisted of a solid quality game of Capture the Flag, and the campers seemed to really enjoy it. But now for the most important part; extended chapel. Mike went on to develop his points on the book and how Christians like use allegorize the Narnia series. There are tons of archetypes and general themes in the books that everyone can attest to, but it is us Christians who seem to squeeze the sponge and try to pull out as many Christian allegories from the books as possible, when all that Lewis intended was to right a child's story. A fairytale about Narnia and a story about if Jesus incarnated himself in that secondary world, and if the Jesus in Narnia was actually a represented as a lion. That was the cornerstone of Lewis' writings of the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, he didn't intend to allegorize the books but when people read them that is what became of the series; a massive allegory of the Christian faith. After Mike spoke everyone stuck around to sing some more songs, and have a chance to just reflect on what God has been doing in their lives this week. I know that I had a solid conversation with three campers, who have been coming to Camp Evergreen for a while now, and our conversation was solid beyond belief. I am so thankful that God allowed me to be able to speak into those kids lives last night, it was phenomenal.

So that wraps up days 2/3, here comes days 4/5 two of the longest days of camp this year. Day 4 = Bible Smugglers night game that probably won't be done until 2/3 o'clock in the morning, and of course day 5 = Homemade Jam which also probably won't end until 12/1 o'clock in the morning. It's going to be a long couple of days. God please provide me with the energy to carry on!

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