Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Halloween! First Post this Month!

I officially haven't blogged in a whole month! Do I get an award? No? Really? Well it's my bad so sorry team for officially dropping the ball! What can I say?

Well how about the fact that my life has been compared to craziness and utter destruction of Hurricane Sandy, let's just say it's been intense and also quite terrifying. I am praying that everyone on the East Coast continues to stay safe as Sandy continues to reek havoc. My schedule for classes at Lethbridge College is completely stacked here let me show you my school schedule.

8:00AMCAP-165L-L01 Media Technology Visual I Lab
G. Gallant
08:30AM - 09:50AM TE TE3219
WRI-154L-L01 Media Research and Writing
P. Gingras
08:30AM - 09:50AM TE TE2209
WRI-154L-L01 Media Research and Writing
P. Gingras
08:30AM - 09:50AM TE TE3222
08:30AM - 09:50AM
08:30AM - 09:50AM
08:30AM - 09:50AM
10:00AMCPU-170-C01 Production Software I
D. Hadley
10:00AM - 11:50AM TE TE3222
CAP-165L-L01 Media Technology Visual I Lab
G. Gallant
10:00AM - 11:20AM TE TE3240
MKT-158-C01 Media Marketing Fundamentals
M. Emard
10:00AM - 11:20AM CE CE1365
MKT-158-C01 Media Marketing Fundamentals
M. Emard
10:00AM - 11:20AM CE CE1365
10:00AM - 11:50AM
10:00AM - 11:20AM
10:00AM - 11:20AM
10:00AM - 11:20AM
12:00PMPRS-173-C01 Announcing/Public Speaking
A. Deys
12:30PM - 01:50PM TE TE3223
PRS-173-C01 Announcing/Public Speaking
A. Deys
12:30PM - 01:50PM TE TE3223
PSC-150-C01 Local Government
M. Schindeler
12:30PM - 01:50PM AN AN1719
1:00PMWRI-154-C01 Media Research and Writing I
K. Hodgson
01:00PM - 01:50PM CE CE1365
12:30PM - 01:50PM
CAP-165-C01 Media Tech Visual I
D. Hadley
01:00PM - 01:50PM TE TE3222
12:30PM - 01:50PM
12:30PM - 01:50PM
2:00PMPSC-150-C01 Local Government
M. Schindeler
02:00PM - 03:20PM AN AN1719
CAP-152-C01 Mass Communication
K. Hodgson
02:00PM - 03:20PM CE CE1365
CAP-171-C01 Media Tech Audio
P. Gingras
02:00PM - 03:50PM TE TE3222

CAP-171-C01 Media Tech Audio
P. Gingras
02:00PM - 03:50PM TE TE3245
CAP-152-C01 Mass Communication
K. Hodgson
02:00PM - 03:20PM CE CE1365
02:00PM - 03:20PM
02:00PM - 03:20PM
02:00PM - 03:50PM

02:00PM - 03:50PM
02:00PM - 03:20PM

So as you can see some crazy schedule and tons of class for my first year towards my Broadcast Journalism diploma. Half way through the semester my class average is 92% so an A-, that makes me quite happy even with all the business.

I am also helping lead a grade 11 small group of boys at E-free Church in Lethbridge on Tuesday nights! It's such a blast and my other leader just so happens to be Ian Lawson, the senior pastor of E-free. I haven't even attended the church for a full year and I already have Ian Lawson, Sid Koop, and Brody Jespersen's personal phone numbers, haha I guess I have friends in high places, better watch out.

Other then that life has been swell! Felicity Vanderlist is coming down this weekend and that makes me quite excited as well as the fact that my parents got a new dog named Isaac! He is about twice the size of what Lacey was and is definitely as playful as Lacey was when she was younger, I still miss Lacey a lot but I am happy that we now have a new member of the family! Welcome Isaac.

And now on a final note, not stoked about the fact that Seahawks lost to the Lions this past week. Super disappointing as we should have crushed them considering how they had been playing up to Sunday's contest and how our defence has established itself as one the best in football. Hopefully we can recharge and get back into the race for a division title as we face a stingy Minnesota Vikings team that pulled of some crazy wins over the past couple weeks. Hopefully Century Link is rocking as our 5th ranked defence gives Christian Ponder and the Vikings a ton of issues! I predict 2 interceptions from the Legion of Boom, 3 sacks from our d-line, and a couple of Marshawn Lynch touchdowns for a 28-17 win for the Seahawks! Bold but beautiful!

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